

Malta, Malta

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Dienste TurnkeyExpos

Mit über 15 Jahren Erfahrung in der internationalen Messe- und Konferenzbranche ist TurnkeyExpos Ihre schlüsselfertige Lösung für die Ausstellung oder Teilnahme an einer Messe, Expo, Ausstellung, Konferenz oder Veranstaltung. Wir bieten Ihnen das gesamte Leistungsspektrum – nicht nur für die Planung, den Aufbau und den Bau Ihres Standes, sondern auch für das gesamte Standzubehör, das Sie für einen erfolgreichen Ablauf Ihrer Messeteilnahme benötigen. Unser Team kümmert sich auch um Zusatzleistungen oder Reservierungen für Ihr Team, das an den Zielort reist, um auszustellen oder teilzunehmen, und kann Nebenveranstaltungen für Kunden oder Partner am Messeziel organisieren.

Jedem Kunden wird ein dedizierter Account Manager zugewiesen, der der einzige Ansprechpartner für den Kunden ist. Auf diese Weise wird sichergestellt, dass der Kundenbetreuer über die Ziele und Anforderungen Ihres Unternehmens sowie über dessen Hintergrund und Philosophie Bescheid weiß. Dies garantiert einen maßgeschneiderten Service an jedem Reiseziel oder Kontinent und beseitigt den Stress, verschiedenen Lieferanten für unterschiedliche Anforderungen hinterherzujagen. Unsere erfahrenen Kundenbetreuer beraten Sie auch gerne und schlagen Ihnen bei Bedarf die besten Optionen oder Alternativen für Ihre Ideen vor. Nachdem Sie Kunden bei der Ausstellung und Teilnahme an Konferenzen und Ausstellungen in den Bereichen Gaming, künstliche Intelligenz, Affiliate-Markt, Blockchain, Medizin und Medizintechnik, Pharmazie, Automobil, Bauwesen, Schifffahrt, Finanzen, Bildung, Nachhaltigkeit, professionelle Dienstleistungen und anderen Branchen begleitet haben, wird Ihr Kundenbetreuer zu Ihrem größten Kapital!

Bewertungen zu TurnkeyExpos

Bewertung: 0/5 0 reviews in neventum

Stand in multiple veröffentlicht

LeoVegas Affiliates has been working with Turnkey Expos for multiple shows since 2023, and their service has been exceptional from start to finish. Their professionalism and attention to detail make them a fantastic partner to work with.
From the detailed design proposals, complete with impressive video visuals, to the seamless legal contract phases, and finally, the execution during the exhibition period, their team ensures everything is handled with precision and care.
Their expertise and commitment to delivering high-quality results have made every event smooth and stress-free. LeoVegas Affiliates highly recommends Turnkey Expos to anyone looking for a reliable and professional stand builder!
LeoVegas Affiliates

Stand in Amsterdam London Barcelona veröffentlicht

LeoVegas Affiliates has been working with Turnkey Expos for multiple shows since 2023, and their service has been exceptional from start to finish. Their professionalism and attention to detail make them a fantastic partner to work with.
From the detailed design proposals, complete with impressive video visuals, to the seamless legal contract phases, and finally, the execution during the exhibition period, their team ensures everything is handled with precision and care.
Their expertise and commitment to delivering high-quality results have made every event smooth and stress-free. LeoVegas Affiliates highly recommends Turnkey Expos to anyone looking for a reliable and professional stand builder!
LeoVegas Affiliates

Stand in Multiple veröffentlicht

LeoVegas Affiliates has been working with Turnkey Expos for multiple shows since 2023, and their service has been exceptional from start to finish. Their professionalism and attention to detail make them a fantastic partner to work with.
From the detailed design proposals, complete with impressive video visuals, to the seamless legal contract phases, and finally, the execution during the exhibition period, their team ensures everything is handled with precision and care.
Their expertise and commitment to delivering high-quality results have made every event smooth and stress-free. LeoVegas Affiliates highly recommends Turnkey Expos to anyone looking for a reliable and professional stand builder!
LeoVegas Affiliates

Stand in Amsterdam Barcelona London veröffentlicht

LeoVegas Affiliates has been working with Turnkey Expos for multiple shows since 2023, and their service has been exceptional from start to finish. Their professionalism and attention to detail make them a fantastic partner to work with. From the detailed design proposals, complete with impressive video visuals, to the seamless legal contract phases, and finally, the execution during the exhibition period, their team ensures everything is handled with precision and care.
Their expertise and commitment to delivering high-quality results have made every event smooth and stress-free. LeoVegas Affiliates highly recommends Turnkey Expos to anyone looking for a reliable and professional stand builder!
LeoVegas Affiliates

Stand in Amsterdam Barcelona London veröffentlicht

LeoVegas Affiliates has been working with Turnkey Expos for multiple shows since 2023, and their service has been exceptional from start to finish. Their professionalism and attention to detail make them a fantastic partner to work with.
From the detailed design proposals, complete with impressive video visuals, to the seamless legal contract phases, and finally, the execution during the exhibition period, their team ensures everything is handled with precision and care.
Their expertise and commitment to delivering high-quality results have made every event smooth and stress-free. LeoVegas Affiliates highly recommends Turnkey Expos to anyone looking for a reliable and professional stand builder!
LeoVegas Affiliates

Stand in Amsterdam London Barcelona veröffentlicht

LeoVegas Affiliates has been working with Turnkey Expos for multiple shows since 2023, and their service has been exceptional from start to finish. Their professionalism and attention to detail make them a fantastic partner to work with.
From the detailed design proposals, complete with impressive video visuals, to the seamless legal contract phases, and finally, the execution during the exhibition period, their team ensures everything is handled with precision and care.
Their expertise and commitment to delivering high-quality results have made every event smooth and stress-free. LeoVegas Affiliates highly recommends Turnkey Expos to anyone looking for a reliable and professional stand builder!
LeoVegas Affiliates

Stand in Amsterdam London Barcelona veröffentlicht

LeoVegas Affiliates has been working with Turnkey Expos for multiple shows since 2023, and their service has been exceptional from start to finish. Their professionalism and attention to detail make them a fantastic partner to work with.
From the detailed design proposals, complete with impressive video visuals, to the seamless legal contract phases, and finally, the execution during the exhibition period, their team ensures everything is handled with precision and care.
Their expertise and commitment to delivering high-quality results have made every event smooth and stress-free. LeoVegas Affiliates highly recommends Turnkey Expos to anyone looking for a reliable and professional stand builder!
LeoVegas Affiliates

Stand in Multiple veröffentlicht

LeoVegas Affiliates has been working with Turnkey Expos for multiple shows since 2023, and their service has been exceptional from start to finish. Their professionalism and attention to detail make them a fantastic partner to work with.
From the detailed design proposals, complete with impressive video visuals, to the seamless legal contract phases, and finally, the execution during the exhibition period, their team ensures everything is handled with precision and care.
Their expertise and commitment to delivering high-quality results have made every event smooth and stress-free. LeoVegas Affiliates highly recommends Turnkey Expos to anyone looking for a reliable and professional stand builder!
LeoVegas Affiliates

Stand in Amsterdam London Barcelona veröffentlicht

LeoVegas Affiliates has been working with Turnkey Expos for multiple shows since 2023, and their service has been exceptional from start to finish. Their professionalism and attention to detail make them a fantastic partner to work with.
From the detailed design proposals, complete with impressive video visuals, to the seamless legal contract phases, and finally, the execution during the exhibition period, their team ensures everything is handled with precision and care.
Their expertise and commitment to delivering high-quality results have made every event smooth and stress-free. LeoVegas Affiliates highly recommends Turnkey Expos to anyone looking for a reliable and professional stand builder!
LeoVegas Affiliates

Stand in Amsterdam, London, Barcelona veröffentlicht

LeoVegas Affiliates has been working with Turnkey Expos for multiple shows since 2023, and their service has been exceptional from start to finish. Their professionalism and attention to detail make them a fantastic partner to work with.
From the detailed design proposals, complete with impressive video visuals, to the seamless legal contract phases, and finally, the execution during the exhibition period, their team ensures everything is handled with precision and care.
Their expertise and commitment to delivering high-quality results have made every event smooth and stress-free. LeoVegas Affiliates highly recommends Turnkey Expos to anyone looking for a reliable and professional stand builder!
LeoVegas Affiliates

Stand in Amsterdam, London, Barcelona veröffentlicht

LeoVegas Affiliates has been working with Turnkey Expos for multiple shows since 2023, and their service has been exceptional from start to finish. Their professionalism and attention to detail make them a fantastic partner to work with.
From the detailed design proposals, complete with impressive video visuals, to the seamless legal contract phases, and finally, the execution during the exhibition period, their team ensures everything is handled with precision and care.
Their expertise and commitment to delivering high-quality results have made every event smooth and stress-free. LeoVegas Affiliates highly recommends Turnkey Expos to anyone looking for a reliable and professional stand builder!
LeoVegas Affiliates

Stand in Amsterdam, London, Barcelona veröffentlicht

LeoVegas Affiliates has been working with Turnkey Expos for multiple shows since 2023, and their service has been exceptional from start to finish. Their professionalism and attention to detail make them a fantastic partner to work with.
From the detailed design proposals, complete with impressive video visuals, to the seamless legal contract phases, and finally, the execution during the exhibition period, their team ensures everything is handled with precision and care.
Their expertise and commitment to delivering high-quality results have made every event smooth and stress-free. LeoVegas Affiliates highly recommends Turnkey Expos to anyone looking for a reliable and professional stand builder!
LeoVegas Affiliates

Stand in Amsterdam, London, Barcelona veröffentlicht

LeoVegas Affiliates has been working with Turnkey Expos for multiple shows since 2023, and their service has been exceptional from start to finish. Their professionalism and attention to detail make them a fantastic partner to work with.
From the detailed design proposals, complete with impressive video visuals, to the seamless legal contract phases, and finally, the execution during the exhibition period, their team ensures everything is handled with precision and care.
Their expertise and commitment to delivering high-quality results have made every event smooth and stress-free. LeoVegas Affiliates highly recommends Turnkey Expos to anyone looking for a reliable and professional stand builder!
LeoVegas Affiliates

Stand in Amsterdam, London, Barcelona veröffentlicht

LeoVegas Affiliates has been working with Turnkey Expos for multiple shows since 2023, and their service has been exceptional from start to finish. Their professionalism and attention to detail make them a fantastic partner to work with.
From the detailed design proposals, complete with impressive video visuals, to the seamless legal contract phases, and finally, the execution during the exhibition period, their team ensures everything is handled with precision and care.
Their expertise and commitment to delivering high-quality results have made every event smooth and stress-free. LeoVegas Affiliates highly recommends Turnkey Expos to anyone looking for a reliable and professional stand builder!
LeoVegas Affiliates

Stand in Barcelona veröffentlicht

We worked 3 times in the last half year with the Turnkey Team and let me say this, they did not disappoint. The whole organisational process has been amazingly smooth, everything was taken care of quickly and efficient and whenever we needed something, they were always eager to help. Definitely a dream team!

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